How Veneers Can Brighten Your Smile and Boost Your Confidence

Your smile tells people a lot about you. A dazzling smile is very becoming. It tells the world you’re brimming with confidence and ready to live your life to the fullest.

Damaged teeth can rob you of that confidence. You feel self-conscious, hide behind your hand, and try not to show your teeth. If broken, discolored, and slightly crooked teeth are holding you back, you owe it to yourself to consider changing the appearance of your smile with dental veneers.

How veneers work

When you begin the process of improving your smile at Perfect Smiles Dental of Pleasant Hill, Dr. Nupur Gupta talks with you about your expectations and desired outcome, as well as any concerns you may have. Together, you and Dr. Gupta choose the most natural color for your new veneers.

Dr. Gupta cleans your teeth and removes some of the enamel so that the veneers adhere thoroughly. An impression of your teeth is sent to the lab, where your new veneers are made. You’ll be fitted with temporary veneers to protect your teeth, now enamel-free, until your next visit.

Your new, permanent veneers are attached at a subsequent appointment. Dr. Gupta ensures the proper fit and appearance of your veneers, answers any questions you may have, and instructs you on the care of your beautiful new smile.

Best candidates for veneers

If your teeth are damaged by trauma or decay, you’ll benefit from dental veneers. New veneers also improve your smile if your teeth are discolored by certain medications, or deeply stained. If you have gaps between your teeth, minor overcrowding, or even some bite-related issues, veneers can help.

Advantages of veneers

Your beautiful new veneers keep the structure of your natural teeth. This results in a completely natural-looking smile, without the discomfort sometimes associated with bridgework and dentures.

Veneers are great for closing gaps between your teeth, and can even provide a straighter, more even appearance. Your dazzling new veneers are also fairly stain-resistant and they strengthen the resiliency of your natural teeth.

Although you typically require a few appointments to complete your veneers, the process involves minimal discomfort and very little downtime.

Caring for your new veneers

Another advantage of enhancing your smile with dental veneers is they encourage better dental care habits. Many patients say their attention to oral hygiene has improved greatly since getting veneers. Such careful attention prevents decay, keeps your gums healthy, and gives you even more reason to smile.

Caring for your veneers is easy. There’s no special care, beyond the care you’d normally give your natural teeth. Dr. Gupta may suggest a nightguard if you’re prone to grinding your teeth at night. You’ll also want to ensure your veneers are performing as they should by keeping your twice-yearly dental checkups at Perfect Smiles Dental of Pleasant Hill.

Take pride in your beautiful new smile

Get the look you’ve long desired with new veneers for the new year. At Perfect Smiles Dental of Pleasant Hill, we take pride in the smiles we help put on our patients’ faces. Dr. Nupur Gupta uses cutting-edge treatments to perfect even the most damaged teeth. Dr. Gupta and the team at Perfect Smiles Dental of Pleasant Hill can help you realize your goal of a perfect and dazzling new smile with dental veneers. Contact Perfect Smiles Dental of Pleasant Hill today and let’s get started on your beautiful new smile.

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