What Age Is Best To Get My Child Started with Routine Dental Care?

Teeth can take up a lot of new, or new again, parents’ minds, especially for the first few years, when teething troubles can strike with a lot of noise and fuss. As your baby or child’s mouth changes and develops, you might find yourself wondering, when is the best time to get them started with regular dental appointments?

You might be surprised to learn that many children in the United States don’t receive dental care until 2 or 3 years of age. However, dental care that grows with your child can do the most to protect their developing oral health. You can start working with dental care professionals when your child is still a baby.

The experienced, sympathetic, and child-friendly staff at Perfect Smiles Dental of Pleasant Hill has all of the answers you’ll need as you safeguard your child through the early years, and beyond. Led by Nupur Gupta, DDS, we provide expert care for patients of all ages from around the Pleasant Hill, California area. We specialize in children’s dentistry.

Why start dental care early?

Some parents wait until their children have most or all of their baby teeth to start taking them to the dentist. However, experts recommend that your child see a dental professional by 12 months at the oldest, or within 6 months of the appearance of the first baby teeth. When your child gets expert dental care beginning early, you can benefit from expert advice and guidance.

Dr. Gupta can check your child for any signs of early bottle-related tooth decay, and advise you on the best ways to keep your child's new teeth clean and strong. She can also advise you on oral behaviors like finger-sucking, and consult with you about the best feeding practices for your child’s oral health needs. With professional support, teething can be a breeze, and your child can start off right with their new bite.

Planning ahead

Caring for your child’s dental health is the work of years. When you start with comprehensive professional support, you can form your child’s habits and expectations. Children with early positive experiences of dental visits may have fewer emotional concerns about dental appointments. Dr. Gupta strives to support and engage all of her child dentistry patients, avoiding early traumatic experiences to keep your child positive about dental health.

Working with younger children patients is a special part of Dr. Gupta's practice, and a mission close to her heart. You can trust her with all of your baby or child’s dental care needs, starting right from the very beginning. She offers compassionate support for parents, as well, working with you in your goal of providing your child with top-quality dental health care.

To schedule an appointment with Dr. Gupta and her team, contact Perfect Smiles Dental of Pleasant Hill today. You can book your appointment online, or give us a call nowl.

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