Tips for Taking Care of Your Dental Bridge

Dental bridges function to restore your smile, filling the gaps left by any missing teeth. Once your dental bridge is in place, it looks and functions similar to your natural teeth, making it almost impossible to tell you ever had damaged or missing teeth. 

The Perfect Smiles Dental of Pleasant Hill team, under the experienced leadership of Nupur Gupta, DDS, cares for new and existing patients who need a dental bridge, or who already have one in place. Dr. Gupta can help you keep your bridge in the best shape so that you can continue to benefit from a full smile.

You’ll certainly want to maximize the longevity of your dental bridge! To keep your bridge looking great and functioning well, pay attention to daily dental hygiene, and make sure to get the regular dental care you need this fall. 

Long-lasting dental durability

Dental bridges fill gaps in your bite left by damaged or missing teeth. Anchored to your natural teeth, a dental bridge allows you to continue full use of your teeth, supporting your digestion and self-confidence as well as your long-term dental health.

To construct your dental bridge, we create a custom piece made up of two or more artificial teeth (typically porcelain crowns), combined together to form a single unit. We anchor your bridge to crowns placed on your neighboring natural teeth, to give you a seamless fit and an effective, natural-feeling bite.

Bridges, like other forms of dental restoration, are designed to last. As long as you can keep your mouth healthy, your dental bridge could last decades. We design your bridge to be good for at least 10 years, but with the right care, you could get many more years of wear out of this versatile dental restoration.

Tips for longer wear

The best way to maintain your dental bridge is to follow the tips you already know for taking care of your overall dental hygiene. Without good dental care, you could develop hidden pockets of decay beneath the crowns that support your bridge, leading to instability and potentially expensive repairs.

Brush at least twice a day, and floss daily, to keep your teeth clean and free from decay. Choose a non-abrasive toothpaste to protect your dental enamel. You may also benefit from rinsing daily, or as desired, with a fluoride mouthwash.

Keeping up with your regular dental cleanings and exams can also help you maximize the lifespan of your dental bridge. When you come into the office for these regularly scheduled appointments, Dr. Gupta can check your bridge for any wear and tear, make sure your bridge still fits properly, and recommend any needed changes or additional care strategies.

To learn more about how a dental bridge could provide lasting support for your smile, as well as for professional maintenance of existing dental bridgework, contact the experts at Perfect Smiles Dental of Pleasant Hill today. You can book your appointment at our Pleasant Hill, California offices by calling now, or use the online tool at your convenience.

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